Now Tooth was a man a great talent... so when times get tough and I need a little bit of "stress relieving" he is the go to man. This made our breakup a little more interesting. You know, its near impossible to walk away from good sex. It is even more difficult walking away when there is so much make up sex potential. Although I had never hated anyone as much as Tooth, he was still irresistible to me.
Revenge was the only way I could find myself letting off steam other than the above disaster. I began with the spreading of mulch all over the apartment's bur bur carpet. Chevy LOVED this. He loved it so much that he shit EVERYWHERE and covered it up with all the new dirt! I wish I had thought to set up a camera to record the reactions of Kyle and Tooth, but after driving by the place when I knew they would be home... I saw the reaction I was hoping for... both guys and Ms. Shannon in rubber boots sweeping, scrubbing, and vacuuming.
For their revenge, my car was keyed.
For my next stunt, I took all the toothbrushes in the house and cleaned the toilet. I did cut out the kissing in our make up sex after this...
Lastly, I cleaned out my friend's cat litter box and poured the dirty litter into the bed in which the deed was done. Then, I covered it up with the comforter.
Ties were cut for about 3 years... Now, Tooth calls on occasion to ya know... but Ms. Shannon is now the proud parent of either Tooth or Kyle's love child. Classy...
***Your Ex Girlfriend***
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